We treat a variety of speech and language disorders and have experience with helping clients of all ages, including early intervention, school aged kids, and adults. We also provide IEP consultations, IEEs (independent educational evaluations), and support for school-aged children.

Speech-Sound Production

Speech-sound production disorders affect how speech sounds are produced when talking. There could be articulation disorders, where an incorrect/ distorted production of some specific sound(s) is observed (e.g., substitution of an /r/ sound  in different word positions), and phonological disorders, in which specific sound patterns are affected (e.g., final consonant deletion).

Expressive/Receptive Language 

These types of disorders might affect receptive language skills, which include, but are not limited to, understanding what other people are saying, following directions, answering questions, and identifying objects. They might also impact expressive language skills, such as sharing information, answering questions, using a variety of vocabulary words, or using complete, for example. Receptive and expressive language skills might be affected simultaneously and can occur in both spoken and written communication. 

Social Language Skills 

Social language skills disorders (also known as a pragmatic language impairment) affects a person's ability to successfully use language in social interactions. This might include difficulties with following conversation and story telling rules (e.g., turn-taking), understanding and using nonverbal cues (e.g., facial expressions, tone of voice), and being able to communicate for social purposes in ways that are appropriate for the particular social context,


Aphasia is caused by damage to the language centers of the brain that control understanding, speaking, and using signed languages. Reading and writing might also be affected. Aphasia could happen due to traumatic brain injury, stroke, or neurological disorders. 

Hearing Loss/Aural Rehabilitation

Aural rehabilitation aims to improve communication skills of people with cochlear implants or hearing aids. Therapy might focus on speech and voice production, adjusting to hearing loss, comprehension of oral, written, and sign language as appropriate, or training in communication strategies.

Additional Resources

We have experience with treating a variety of speech and language disorders, however, if you have communication concerns that we might not be able to assist with at this time, we can refer you to other professionals in the area or provide additional resource options to address them.